How a Simple Milk Purchase Led a Christian Woman to Islam

Kawula was a Christian woman who belonged to the Roman Catholic church, but she had never been baptised. She worked as a milk seller and every summer day, she passed by the Masjid where our team was staying. One day, they invited her to buy some milk, but soon the conversation turned into a spiritual outreach.
She was amazed by the message of Islam, the oneness of God, and His presence in her life. She felt a strong urge to embrace the faith and become a Muslim. She also wanted her husband to hear what we had told her, so she gave us his phone number. Her conversion was a great blessing for her family and her neighbors. She and her husband opened their doors and hearts to us. They provided a place where we could conduct Islamic classes to teach others about Islam , and even offered to donate land for building a Masjid!
This is the power of dawah, the power of inviting people to Islam with wisdom and compassion. It can transform lives and communities by the will of Allah. You too can be part of this noble mission of sharing Islam with the world. Click to start!