How A Young Man’s Patience Led to His Family Embracing Islam

The man you see in the picture is Ayman, formerly known as Casto. He embraced Islam after a long journey of searching for the truth. He even changed his name to reflect his new identity as a Muslim.
He faced many trials and tribulations from his family, who were Christians and did not understand his choice. They kept pigs, which are forbidden in Islam, and they mocked him with cruel words. They said that the Muslims would teach him a satanic language.
He felt sad and hopeless, but he did not give up on his faith. He reached out to his teachers, the Duat of iERA, who supported him and guided him. They also visited his family and explained to them the beauty and wisdom of Islam. After a long conversation, his family members were touched by the message and decided to take the shahada, the testimony of faith.
Masha Allah, what a wonderful outcome from the hardship and challenges that Ayman endured. He has now become a source of guidance for his family and a role model for other converts. Ayman has vowed to study Islam at the Imam Program Center and he is showing great enthusiasm and dedication in learning his religion. His family is proud of him and happy for him.
Do you have close family or friends that you would love to call to Islam but don’t know how? Take iERA’s FREE online dawah training course from the comfort of your phone today!Visit