How A Man Who Burnt Quran Copies And A Masjid Accepted Islam Together With 68 Of His Followers.

He was the infamous church leader who had the most hatred towards Islam and Muslims, in his village.
In fact, it is said that in one instance when a Dawah mission visited his village, he physically confronted them and burnt copies of the Quran! When he later found out that some of his family members, including his mother and grandmother, had embraced Islam; he got infuriated and burnt down the local masjid!
The villagers were wary of him and he was loved and respected by fellow Islamophobes.
Years later, the iERA Dawah team came to his village and when they learnt about the sad story; they requested to meet the church leader. The locals warned the duat to leave him alone as they feared it would lead to chaos. However, the duat insisted on meeting with the man, stating that they only sought peace and understanding with him.
The villagers took the duat to the brother’s house and true to their words; he was very hostile to them! Did this make the team change their mind? No!
The duat kept trying to calm him down and assured him that they came in peace and all they wanted was to talk and reason with him.
Alhamdulillah, the man eventually agreed to let them speak.
The duat talked to him about Islam and shared how the teachings of Islam promoted peace and tolerance amongst human beings. As they left, they asked the brother and the people around him to attend iERA classes the following day after their church service.
The next morning, the iERA team surprised the villagers by attending their church service. As a result, the entire congregation came to the iERA class after the service!
The infamous church leader came armed with tough questions for the duat, and the villagers, including 12 village chiefs, were eager to witness what would happen.
One by one, his tough questions to the duat were satisfactorily answered and when he was done; he took Shahada right in front of his people! Seeing this, 68 of the villagers present, including some of the chiefs, also took Shahada! Allahu Akbar!
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