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One of our volunteers made a call to our duat in Tanzania informing them that someone was looking for them to discuss a social media post.
Our duat made contact with the person and established that he was based in Dare Salam – a distance from where our Tanzania offices are located. The man wanted to know how it was possible to be a Muslim and still believe in Jesus.
Though they began this conversation online, both sides agreed it was best to schedule a physical meeting. Our duat travelled to meet him and they sparked off a lengthy but engaging conversation that lasted nearly four hours! Our duat did their best to answer the many questions and doubts the young man had about Islam, but in the end, he did not take shahada.
Three days later, the man called one of our duat and said he was ready to become Muslim!
Indeed, it is not in our power to guide people to Islam as Allah guides whom He wills, ours is to convey the message. Feel free to share our social media posts with non-Muslim family, friends, and colleagues as you may never know who among them could be guided through them.