At the tail end of our duat visit to a village in Ghana, our duat came to the home of one elderly man seemingly in his late 70s.
He warmly welcomed them to his home and the duat had a nice time engaging with him.
Apparently, he was a former professional football player in his youthful days, but because the sport did not fetch much back then, he had very little to show for it.
After giving him dawah the elderly man accepted Islam and the duat paid him several visits thereafter to teach him more about Islam. His home happened to be near the village masjid, and it was reported that he was always there before each salah began! A few months later the elderly man passed away.
The iERA duat were called to assist in his burial and they couldn’t help but feel joy for the man that he went back to Allah as a Muslim. We ask Allah to have mercy on his soul and enter him into Jannah.
One dawah trip could make an eternity of difference to someone out there. Help us reach more people with the message of Islam today. Support the dawah mission by donating to iera.org/donate/