Say what?
“I wasted my entire life because I believed in lies,” he said remorsefully.
What’s the most ridiculous lie you’ve heard about Islam? You are about to read one of th
During one of our missions in Africa to call people to Islam, our team came across an elderly man in his 60s.The man joined his fellow curious village mates in attending the Islamic classes iERA organised in their village. These classes help inform and clarify the misconceptions people have about Islam and have proven to be very instrumental in calling to Islam. It was at one of these classes that the man realised that he had been fed lies about Islam all his life! In particular, was something his father once told him; that Muslims remove the intestines of their dead!
After gaining clarity on his misconceptions and learning more about Islam, he accepted the path of submission unto Allah. The man went ahead to express his gratitude to the iERA team for coming to his village and enlightening his people, whom he described as ‘spiritually blind’.
Are you learning about Islam from the correct sources? Safeguard your conscience from malice and fake stories; visit for facts.