Let’s give you a hand

How far can we go to get your attention? Well, as far as Allah enables us.
iERA is on a mission to take the message of Islam to every household across the world. As such, our team goes all out and works tirelessly to reach out in any way they can.
When our team came across this group of people preparing their farm for cultivation, they showed very little interest in listening to the brothers. Our team realised it was probably because they were busy with the farm work. Our team decided to ask the group if they could lend a helping hand to which they readily agreed.
Therefore, the iERA team used this opportunity to share the message of Islam as they worked the field, and by the end of the day, they all embraced the religion of Islam!
How far can you go? Visit https://sm.iera.org/africa to support the mission of Islam all the way in Africa just by the tap of your keyboard!