A Former Christian to the rescue!

Alfred was a pastor before accepting Islam a few months ago when iERA visited his village to call people to Islam. After his reversion, he was very eager and determined to learn the religion. He often inquired from the iERA team how he could advance his knowledge about Islam.
Seeing his zeal and determination, the team enrolled him in the iERA New Muslim Imam Program, which is a course to teach and mentor new Muslims into being Muslim leaders and teachers of their local communities. The program lasts 6 months and candidates live and study together during this time.
Despite already having huge responsibilities as a husband and father, Alfred convinced his family to let him go and seek knowledge that would guide them and help them steer their lives under their new religion. They agreed.
One day as he was going about his work in the village, he came across a group of people seemingly in a heated debate. He quickly made out that the discussion was between Muslims and Christians; disputing whether or not Jesus was God! Once a pastor and now a caller to Islam, this was his forte. He realised the Muslims were being overwhelmed by the Christians, due to the latter’s limited knowledge on how to counter their opponents’ claims with facts from the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet.
Since it was an open discussion, he immediately jumped in and presented the understanding of who God is according to Islam using iERA’s GORAP technique. It wasn’t long until everyone was quiet and all attention was given to him, as they carefully comprehended what he was saying.
The non-Muslims were intrigued by how logical the concept of God is in Islam as compared to their religion, and they did not find any reason to object that Jesus did not fit to be God but was rather the Messenger of God! They were eager to hear more about the Islamic faith and requested Alfred to frequent the place so that they would learn more.
You too can learn more about Islam and call people to it by visiting irea.org