A goat per shahada!

One of our duat in Northern Ghana was recently invited to a wedding ceremony by the locals. He saw this as a good opportunity to give dawah and hence took one of the dawah volunteers with him as well.
The plan was to stay behind after the ceremony and use the GORAP technique to invite attendees to Islam. Well, it turns out they didn’t have to do that!
As the ceremony proceeded, a gentleman came to our duat to ask him questions about Islam and also told them that he was interested in becoming a Muslim. He further shared that he had this interest for a long time, but his hopes were shattered when he met some ‘Muslims’ that told him that for him to become a Muslim, he had to offer a goat in return!
Our duat were shocked to hear this and assured the young man there was no such condition for one to accept Islam. By this time, several people gathered around them, and the dua took the opportunity to explain to them that all one needed was to believe and declare the shahada – that there is no deity except Allah and that Muhammad (may peace be upon him) is His messenger. That’s it!
After sharing more about the basics of Islam with them, alhamdulillah, many of the attendants took shahada! They even called the duat a few days later to visit the neighbouring village for a dawah outreach to their kinsmen!Help us rid misconceptions across the world by sharing the true message of Islam; donate to support the dawah at iera.org/donate.