Alhamdulillah, Islam is spreading fast in Durban, South Africa.
One of the success stories is of an elderly lady who came to our iERA dawah presentations. She listened quietly and never asked a question, but days later she made a phone call to our duat. She and her whole family were ready to take shahadah!
If that wasn’t enough of a good surprise, it happened that this lady was also a church deacon and had 185 followers! Our team made plans to start dawah missions in her area and hopefully, her followers will also learn and embrace the message of Islam.
May Almighty Allah protect and make her family’s acceptance a means for others to accept Islam as well.
You too can gain a reward for every new Muslim that embraces Islam through our duat; support the team by donating to irea.org/donate/
africa chiristian christian church city convert dawah dawahfamily Dawah mission Father hijab iera islam Maasai malawi mary muslim new muslim prison Quran shahadah Tanzania training uganda village vlog