From shirk to Tawheed
“I never thought there would come a time that I would love and worship anyone or anything other than my cow!” exclaimed Mr. Ibrahim.
No, he is not from Asia, instead, he is from Rwanda, Africa.
Before meeting iERA duat when they visited his village; he and his wife had worshipped their cow for so many years. This was a cultural practice embedded in the traditions of the Rwandan kingdom, where the cow was exalted.
When our duat met them, they talked to them about the greatness of Allah and His relationship with the creation. They also mentioned some of Allah’s miracles and explained the purpose of our existence.
At the end of this conversation, Mr Rwandaye and his wife accepted Islam and he adopted the name, Ibrahim.
His neighbors were astonished by this. They had known him to be a staunch cow-worshipper and even when different church denominations had tried to convince him to abandon his beliefs and adopt theirs; he had turned them away. ‘What could have the duat possibly told his family to make them have a change of heart?’ they wondered.
Mr. Ibrahim Rwandaye Claver is now 74 years old and doing his best to practice Islam.
As our duat continue to give dawah to villages like this across Africa, you can be part of the success stories in sha Allah; support the mission by donating to