Qassim and the four friends.

Our daee in Zambia, Qassim, once came across four men and decided to give them dawah. From their appearance, they seemed harsh, and Qassim almost hesitated to approach them. However, he went ahead to talk to them.
After introducing himself as a Muslim who wanted to talk to them about Islam; he was surprised by how well they responded and showed a keen interest in what he had to tell them. As Qassim spoke, he noticed they were very respectful and attentive. They asked him a lot of questions including why he was wearing a thobe. Yaqub told them it was a cultural attire of the Arabs and that it is not compulsory for Muslims to wear. Surprisingly, all of them asked him to bring them some thobes as they loved how Muslim men looked wearing them.
At the end of their conversation, two of the four men were ready to accept and took their Shahadah, and the other two asked for more time.
After some days, the four of them once visited Qassim at the iERA office in Lusaka to learn more. Since the distance between where they lived and the iERA office was distant, Qassim made a point to visit the two new Muslims at their homes to continue giving them classes and mentorship. They have recently agreed to move the classes to the nearest masjid in their area. May Allah strengthen their Iman and guide the remaining two, to Islam.
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