The Man who abandoned Allah out of Anger

Ibrahim (2nd from left) is 70 years of age now. At the age of 15 years, he set his eyes on the girl of his dreams. He expressed his intentions to marry her but the girl wanted nothing to do with him.
One day on his way from the well, he met a Muslim preacher who talked to him about Islam. After learning that Muslims speak to Allah directly without intermediaries; he was so impressed and reverted to Islam!
Ibrahim began continuously making dua to Allah to grant him the girl who refused to marry him. Several duas later, his prayer was answered and he married the girl of his dreams.
For 45 years they lived together as husband and wife until one day, she walked away after a misunderstanding leaving him behind with their 6 children including a 2-month-old daughter. As he had done before, he turned to Allah and made duas asking Him to bring back his wife. This time around, he did not get what he prayed for. Out of anger and frustration, he abandoned Islam and returned to being a catholic.
He spent the next 10 years of his life as a murtad until the day iERA duat visited his home during a door-to-door dawah program. After listening to his story, they explained to him the GORAP methodology to iron out any misunderstandings in Islamic beliefs and acts of worship. They also explained to him the Quran verse 2:216 concerning accepting Allah’s decree.
The iERA duat further talked to him about the articles of faith which made him realize that all trust must be to Allah alone, and not in His creation like wives, children and family. After understanding the concept of qadar, Mr Ibrahim was ready to once again enter the fold of Islam. He took his shahada and 3 days later started attending the new Muslim classes to learn more about Islam and refresh what he had forgotten.
May Allah strengthen and guide him. Ameen
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