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At a recent mass dawah event in Bugesera, Rwanda; the local government official had nothing but gratitude and praise for the good work iERA Duat were doing in the district.
“Within one month of your coming to this village, a lot has changed for the better. The young men and women who joined your religion were once drunkards and drug addicts, a menace to the community. Today they’re the soberest and the most decent people we have in the village! It took me a while to realise the peace we are currently enjoying is out of the efforts of the group of Muslim visitors who are helping our community change their mindset! I asked my colleagues about this, and they told me that people spend almost half a day at the Mosque studying! We want to thank the Muslims and promise you our support whenever you need it,” he exclaimed!
Alhamdulillah, the dawah is growing in Rwanda. Its been 3 months since iERA duat started the mission in Rwanda and they have managed to share Islam with approximately 6,942 non-Muslims! Out of those, 719 took shahada, and 546 are studying basic Islamic knowledge in the Masjids on a weekly basis.
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