When he first met our iERA duat in Ghana, the brother was working as a secretary to the local Church of Christ in his village. He was a devout member and very committed to his work.
This however was soon to change the more he engaged with our duat as they shared the concepts of Allah, His Revelation, and the Prophets in Islam with him.
At some point, he confessed that the eye-opening discovery had caused him to slowly distance himself from his church practices. Alhamdulillah, after several consequent meetings with our team, the brother was finally ready to take Shahada! His first words after the Shahadah were,” I am grateful!”
We pray that Allah increases him in Iman and inspires him to join in the dawah work. As one of the graduates in the village, we feel he would be an asset for dawah, inshaAllah.
Would you like to learn how to give dawah as we do? Take the FREE online dawah training course that iERA offers at iera.org today!