When iERA team came to this village in Tanzania 5 months ago, they found 15 churches and not a single Muslim. As they prepare to leave, there are now many New Muslims who are not only instilled with the foundations of Islam, but they also know how to share this message with generations to come!
Our duaat are happy to join hands with the new Muslims, and a generous donor came forward to construct the first Muswala! You will be pleased to know that the land it stands on was also donated by one of the new Muslims!
Allahu akbar! These are the moments we live for; taking Islam to the corners of the earth where it has not reached before, and leaving passionate believers behind for the next generation, Alhamdulillah!
Did you know that you can be a part of these amazing experiences too? Make dua for our success and donate to help us spread the message of Islam, and for every Shahadah or act of worship that comes out of these efforts, we all get a share of it in reward from Allah, in shaAllah. Visit irea.org/donate/ today.