Islam Changed him.
Sometimes we come across situations that remind us of incidents in the lives of the Prophets and their followers; as if they were playing out right in front of our eyes. An example of this is the account of a chief police officer in Bujumbura, who recently reverted to Islam, which reminds us of the story of Umar r.a.

The law enforcer was known to be very cruel and harsh prior to embracing Islam, and he would even lash his employees for minor mistakes! Ironically, he was also a local church leader.
When word got around that he had reverted to Islam after meeting with iERA duat, the minority Muslim community in this village were so excited. Just like the few sahaba felt secure and empowered to have Umar r.a on their side in the early days of Islam, so did the Muslims of this village feel about the policeman reverting to Islam. They felt they had gained a support pillar; someone who would be able to stand with and for them.
Indeed when the Iman touches the heart, it is seen in the limbs. Since accepting Islam, the policeman has become a new man! Once a cruel leader, he is now a practising Muslim in the service of his people.
May Allah elevate his ranks in this world and the next.
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