Have you ever received a cold shoulder when you approached someone to give them dawah? This is very normal, take heart and don’t give up.
Our official recently came across a group of men on their lunch break. After greeting them, they requested if they would give them a bit of their time as they handed Islamic pamphlets them.
Some of them accepted the pamphlets and others declined. One of them said that he was a former Muslim and hence there was nothing new our duat could tell him about Islam. Another in the group did not even respond to the greetings!
Nevertheless, our duat politely introduced the topic of the Oneness of Allah. The former Muslim was quick to interrupt and argue, but after the official explained the concept in full, they all understood! The quiet man that did not even respond to greetings asked the daee to repeat the explanation! He said he had been a Christian for so long but no one had ever explained to him the Oneness of God as precisely as he had!
This was a beautiful change of attitude! He even asked our official to go visit him again. We pray that Allah guides him to the truth eventually.
When giving dawah, be patient and don’t let first impressions turn you away. Sometimes the cold attitudes come from misinformation, and perhaps once you educate the person on the truth, their hearts may warm up to you inshaAllah.
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