The congregation was shaken to the core when their pastor stood in front of them to announce that he had accepted Islam! They couldn’t believe their eyes and almost rebelled against him, until he calmed them down and explained the reasons behind his change of heart.
Before this, the pastor had met with the iERA duat who had visited their village. After listening to the message they had brought, Allah opened his heart to the truth, and the pastor not only accepted Islam but could not wait to share what he learnt with his congregation! However, this announcement was not well received by the entire congrigation.
After carefully articulating the teachings of Islam as he had learnt them from the duat, some of the members of the congregation approved of his reversion and 46 families followed suit by taking their Shahada!
With his new Muslim followers, they cleared a piece of land for a Masjid to be built! Allahu Akbar!
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