The brother in the green t-shirt is Joseph. When iERA visited his village, a mass dawah event was carried out and he was among those who took shahada and also volunteered to translate for the duat that day!
One of our duat noticed that Joseph was very happy and excited. After the event, he approached him and requested to know the reason behind his joy.
“Brother, I have never been a fan of the church because of the idol worship in its doctrines but I have always longed to be part of a religion. When you came here today and shared with us the message of Islam, I found it very accurate and it touched my heart, hence I decided to be a Muslim. This is the reason why I am so happy.”
Joseph had just found the peace he had craved and looked for in his life; his fitra had been awoken by the message the duat took to his village. Help us reach more people with the truth by donating to