Imagine a village in Uganda with only 3 Muslims! That was the reality until iERA da’is came and introduced Islam to the villagers. The people were amazed and intrigued by this new religion. By the will of Allah, 45 of them embraced Islam on the spot and experienced the happiness of finding the truth. They decided to rent a room to worship Allah together and grow in their faith.
However, they yearned for more! They wanted a proper place to pray and learn. One of the new Muslims generously offered land to build a masjid for the village. The villagers joined forces to create a humble masjid with wood and grass, and eventually the Adhan resonated in air of this village five times a day!
This story is a miracle of dawah and a proof of Islam’s beauty. It shows how Islam can touch and transform any heart and any place. It also shows how Muslims can unite and cooperate to establish the deen.
Don’t you want to be part of this amazing dawah work in Africa? You can make a huge difference from your home! By the grace of Allah, your donation can help us reach more villages and more souls with Islam. Please donate generously to